Inverloch 3996 caught up with Tad Hendry & Jess Cuman from Adapt Design Group this week, to check out their stunning new 8.7 star build at The Cape in Cape Paterson and to find out how they set about designing a family home that for the same cost as a traditional build, could eliminate energy costs for the owner and potentially provide an annual rebate from their electricity provider. Now who doesn't like the sound of that! Dune 1 is nestled along Victoria's Bass Coast with wonderful views to both the ocean and surrounding farm land at the award winnning 'The Cape' sustainable housing project in Cape Paterson. Driven by a passion for energy efficient design, Dune 1 is a collaboration between local building designers Tad Hendry and Jess Cuman from Adapt Design Group, and is a great reflection of their design work together to date. FROM CONCEPT TO REALITYTAD, JESS, TELL US ABOUT THE DESIGN BRIEF FOR DUNE 1To create an extremely energy efficient dwelling whilst keeping construction costs low, in line with a traditional build of the same size. The home showcases all the fundamentals of best practice energy efficient design and construction - including good orientation, quality insulation, crossflow ventilation, double glazing, thermal mass & shading. These are things more and more of our clients are asking for now as they become more mainstream and people realise that sustainable design practices can now reduce their ongoing energy costs to zero and in an lot of case actually provide them an annual rebate. TELL US MORE ABOUT HOW THIS HOME CAN ACTUALLY MAKE MONEY FOR IT'S OWNERS?Well we've managed to get Dune 1 an 8.7 star energy rating featuring an 8kw photovaltic system including battery storage. The combination of sustainability, energy efficiency and onsite clean energy generation elements ensure this home is 'energy positive' - generating a surplus of clean energy on an annual basis, with the potential for a net return of over $500 per annum for surplus power generated. THAT'S AWESOME - ARE THERE ANY OTHER ENERGY SAVING FEATURES BUILT INTO THIS HOME?.Absolutely, the capacity for occupants to close down half the home while other members of the family are away, further reduces the costs of living. Housing the fridge and the Sanden het pump together allows heat generated from these appliances to dry clothes on inclement days. There are air locks to control temperature, clever roof design for rainwater harvesting and easy access to solar panels all help to create a home which virtually 'pays it's owners to live in it'. WHAT WAS THE PUBLIC FEEDBACK FOR THE DESIGN AT THE RECENT OPEN DAY AT THE CAPE?The Response was phenomenal with upwards of 600 people attending the day - we certainly had our hands full! It was a great opportunity to showcase what we are passionate about at Adapt Design Group and share those insights with so many like minded people, looking to build their dream home, minus the usual ongoing running costs! TAKE A TOUR OF DUNE 1 BY ADAPT DESIGN GROUPANY OTHER EXCITING PROJECTS IN THE PIPELINE?Yes, we've got some really great plans on our table currently for blocks in Inverloch, Phillip Island & Cape Paterson at the moment and 2018 is shaping up to be a great year for our company with more and more of our concept designs reaching maturity and full build. A particular stand out was a Smiths Beach House design over on Phillip Island that really does have views to die for, we think we designed something that does those views justice. HOW CAN PEOPLE WORK WITH ADAPT DESIGN GROUP?Well we're a pretty approachable bunch, so pop into our studio in Cape Paterson for a coffee, or alternatively check out our website and projects gallery at or download our brochure below.